Were you aware that a gentleman should always rise in the presence of a lady? Being a gentleman in character and in manner is more important now than ever before. In these times of confusion, knowing who you are and where you stand in the world will help you tremendously. Refinement is about becoming the very best that you can be, which will positively affect every part of your life’s journey. It all starts from within.
A Gentleman Always Rises Upon The Arrival & Departure Of A Lady
This is one of my many favorite etiquette tips for gentlemen because it demonstrates an incredible amount of respect for ladies. A gentleman should remember that it is important to always rise in the presence of a lady. This applies to every lady in your party or immediate surroundings. This will benefit you greatly for several reasons. It will show her that you care about showing kindness and consideration for her. You will demonstrate to the world that you are refined, cultured, and that you comport yourself with class. Additionally, other men will be impressed and it will set a good example for them to follow. Unfortunately, most men are not aware that a gentleman should always rise in the presence of a lady. You will set yourself apart from the start!
Points to Remember
The first thing to remember is that this action will feel awkward, unnatural, and even embarrassing at first. This is especially true if you are dining with a group of people and you are the only one demonstrating proper manners. It may feel uncomfortable rising from the table if any woman leaves or returns. Manners are contagious, so have faith that other men will learn, and do it anyway.
Always rise when a lady enters or exists the room. It may be hard to remember, but the more you practice, the easier it will be, and you will always impress her and others around you.
As a Couple
When dining at a restaurant with your significant other, if she leaves the table for any reason, stand when she rises. After she departs, you may seat yourself until she returns. Upon her return, rise from the table again. Place your napkin on your chair and walk around to her side. Hand her napkin to her, then place your hands on her chair and wait for her to begin sitting. Push her chair inward toward the table as she lowers herself onto her seat. At that point, you may return to your chair. You may prefer to do this once, and then merely stand if she must depart and return again. It is up to you. The point must be known: You are at her service.
In a Group
In a group setting, the same rules apply, except that you usually are not the one holding another woman’s chair. Stand when any lady in the group leaves or returns to the table. However, if the woman’s significant other does not stand with you the first time, you may remain seated the next time she departs or arrives if you choose to do so. If any men in the group stand upon her arrival and she asks the men to remain seated, then it is polite to follow her wishes.
A Note for Ladies
Ladies, always remember to thank gentlemen for their efforts. Chivalry is a fabulous thing!
Danica De La Mora
Image by Artursafronovvvv of Freepik.com
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