Chronic halitosis, or bad breath, is an unpleasant experience for anyone who hopes to get close to someone. This can be troublesome on first dates, first dances, or first impressions. Subsequent interactions may not occur unless the person with malodorous breath has better qualities. Most people experience bad breath from time to time, especially after eating something pungent. It does not necessarily make you unhealthy or unusual if you experience these unpleasantries.
Constant bad breath can put a damper on a good time. If someone cares about you, you may not hear it from him or her. You probably will not hear about it from friends or family, either, unless their desires to help you outweigh the discomfort of offending you. Many people do not like to hurt the feelings of those for whom they care. It can be difficult to find a way to tell the person, even if he or she asks. Included in this post are tips for creating fresh breath!
What Causes Halitosis?
According to Wikipedia, of the people who suffer from bad breath odor, about 85 percent of the cases stem from a problem in the mouth — often inadequate dental hygiene. The remaining 15 percent can be traced to problems of the stomach, esophagus, throat, lungs, sinuses and nose. Bad breath may affect 50 percent of the population.
Nothing to Brag About
I was in a restaurant one day and I overheard a conversation between two men. One man said, “I never brush my teeth. I might remember to brush them once a week but usually I don’t.” That the man would admit to something like that was . . . different. I understand that brushing may be an inconvenience and that it can be a real task for the lazy, but it also is abundantly clear to others how little attention you pay to your mouth. Understandably, that can harm your social interactions. I would not be surprised if many people follow a similar schedule. If you think you are cute enough to compensate, or that the person you are on the inside is all that matters, or that your aging spouse has diminishing olfactory functioning, think again. Even long-term relationships can suffer from poor hygiene, so it is not advisable to be lazy.
Ballroom Breath
Social dancing, such as ballroom, is a very important skill to learn for a number of reasons. However, your dental hygiene is equally important in these settings. I actually have seen people run from others who had chronic bad breath, and spend entire nights coming up with excuses in order to avoid them. At most dances, you will discover a bowl of mints located near the dance floor and that is because a lot of people have bad breath (or suspect that they do) and everyone finds it unpleasant. Aerobic exercise can also play a part in bad breath due to exertion and dehydration. Candies can temporarily mask bad breath, but it usually finds its way out regardless!
Prevention Trumps Correction
Assuming that you are otherwise healthy, it is still important to note that changes take place in the mouth as we age. Medical and dental industries recommend to have regular physicals and dental visits every six months. However, there have been numerous undesirable changes in the medical and dental fields in the last several years, which have upset credibility and public trust. I am not a doctor providing medical or dental advice. It stands to reason, however, that preventative measures and homeopathic remedies are always good ideas.
Practicing good dental hygiene can improve your breath, your teeth, and your overall health. Neglecting your mouth can adversely affect internal organs. A fresh mouth is important in order to keep those you hold dear from wanting you to hold them a lot less frequently. The good news is that it only takes a few minutes each day to improve your mouth!
Tips for Fresh Breath
Here are some tips for helping to ensure that your mouth does not give others a kiss of death:
Brush your teeth.
This should be done at least once or twice a day, if not after every meal. Electronic toothbrushes are excellent, as they often do a better job of cleaning and some have the option of turning off if you are pressing too hard. You may wish to wait at least an hour after consuming something acidic, such as lemon, as the acids soften tooth enamel and brushing at this time can harm teeth. If you consume a fruit smoothie, you might want to rinse your mouth with water afterward, just to rid your mouth of remaining sugar particles.
Fluoride-free products are becoming very popular and I think Tom’s of Maine has some great items.
Floss your teeth.
This should be done at least daily and be sure to heavily floss behind all of your teeth in the very back, as well as those hard-to-reach areas between all of your molars. Gently floss by using a “C” motion. This is good for your teeth and gums.
Brush your tongue.
A lot of bacteria reside on the tongue, especially at the back. Bacteria can build on the tongue in the absence of saliva, as in times when one is sleeping, causing unpleasant morning breath. You can brush your tongue with a toothbrush, tongue scraper, or even the back of a spoon.
Use a water flosser.
A water flosser is a device that ejects pressurized water from a wand that is placed between the teeth and around the gums. The use of a water flosser, in addition to and not instead of dental floss, will help ensure that the remaining hard-to-reach areas are devoid of odor-causing particles. I look forward to this routine, as I find it very pleasant and relaxing to clean and massage my teeth and gums. There are numerous brands of water flossers, and some devices are waterproof/cordless and are great to use in the shower. You can add mouthwash to the reservoir along with water, but be sure to rinse out the reservoir and valve after each use or the mouthwash residue may gunk up the device and weaken performance over time.
Rinse with mouthwash.
There are lots of different brands and flavors of mouthwash and you should be able to find one that suits your preference. Young Living’s Thieves mouthwash is a favorite in my community due to its pleasant flavor and natural ingredients. Be aware that if you wish to avoid fluoride, you likely will not find anything listed about it on mouthwash label unless it specifically says it is fluoride-free.
Use gum or mints.
Other than enjoying the flavor, you may not need to use gum or mints if you are practicing proper hygiene. Nevertheless, it is smart to always carry some with you in case they are needed. This is especially true for meetings and social events like dancing, where people associate in close proximity.
Give yourself a test.
When in doubt, you can breathe into your hand and smell, or lick your clean wrist, and smell the area as it dries. If you have bad breath, your wrist will reflect the odor as it is drying. Of course, this should not take place in public!
Dental & Medical Visits.
Maintaining regular dental and medical visits would seem proactive and reasonable. An older draft of this post reflected my strong belief in regular check-ups at the time. As I said earlier, a lot has changed within the last several years in both the medical and dental industries, including procedures and medications. Many have developed a lack of confidence in today’s so-called proactive measures, so they are choosing to take matters into their own hands. Some are of the opinion that yearly X-rays are not necessary and probably should be taken every 5-10 years unless there is a specific concern.
Doctors’ visits may be helpful if you have done all of the above and you cannot pinpoint the cause of bad breath. There may be an underlying issue that is at the root of the halitosis. (No pun intended.) Fortunately, most cases can be solved with proper hygiene. Being very attentive to hygiene can keep doctors and dentists at bay. All of these are opinions, not medical advice. Individuals must do what makes them feel comfortable.
Take a hint.
If someone offers you a mint, or gives you a water flosser as a gift, you would be wise to take a hint! People do not wish to hurt your feelings, so it is your responsibility to take care of your problem and have it addressed properly. If your relationship dissolved or people are sitting farther away from you, there might be something to it. No one wishes to hurt anyone’s feelings, but it is truly unpleasant to be close to someone who emits a very bad odor.
Follow a plant-based diet.
It will not necessarily eradicate bad breath, though it might, but it will contribute to optimal health. Here are some delicious and healthy plant-based recipes. Keep checking in, because I am always finding and adding more recipes.
So, practice proper etiquette and care for your relationships by caring for your mouth and overall health. Everything in your life depends on it!
Good luck!
Danica De La Mora
Wikipedia contributors. “Bad breath.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 25 Dec. 2024. Web. 29 Jan. 2025.
Blog post image credit: Master1305 via Freepik.com and Danica De La Mora.
Featured image credit: Benzoix on Freepik.com.
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