Meet Danica De La Mora

Knowledge-loving authoress providing you with the best ideas on a healthy & elegant lifestyle, etiquette, refinement, relationships, online dating, escaping feminism, plant-based nutrition, vegan recipes, and more!
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Posted Under: Etiquette, Lifestyle, Refinement, Self Care, Tips, Wellness
Bad Breath Is A Stinker
Chronic halitosis, or bad breath, is an unpleasant experience for anyone who hopes to get close to someone. This can be troublesome on first dates, first dances, or first impressions. ...

Posted Under: Dips & Spreads, Nutrition, Recipes, Uncategorized
Sauces & Dips
Sauces, dips, and seasonings can take tasty dishes to a whole new level! Try some of these! Be sure to keep checking back because I will add more recipes as I discover new ...